HomeAPPSNine Tips To Improve Your Facebook Sales Skills

Nine Tips To Improve Your Facebook Sales Skills

Now that we’ve introduced what Facebook Shop Tab is, we can’t help but take the opportunity to broaden the theme by understanding how you can improve your Facebook sales ability. To do this, we wanted to share with you ten tips that, we are sure, will positively develop your sales hopes. Let’s find out together.

Always Use A Company Page

It’s trivial advice, but unfortunately, we still see too many users making the same daily mistake: you must create a company page – not a personal profile – to represent your brand! Company Pages look similar to Personal Profiles but include tools unique to businesses, brands, and organizations. Your followers, current or potential customers, will certainly appreciate your presence more as a company page than as a personal profile. 

Not only will this maximize Facebook’s business potential for your brand, but it will also actually allow you to comply with all of Facebook’s terms of service, which doesn’t like you using a personal account to represent anything other than a person, such as a person. Agency! And if you have already created a personal profile for your company (bad), you can still convert it into a company page. Since setting up a page is simple, you have no more alibis!

Customize The URL Of The Company Page

Once your business page is created, it will be marked with a randomly assigned number and URL, such as facebook.com/pages/business/123456789. To make your page more shareable and easier to find, creating a custom URL that can immediately recall your brand (for example, if available, http://www.facebook.com/yourbrand) is best.

Choose A Good Cover Photo

The Facebook page design allows you to insert an 851 x 315-pixel cover photo at the top of your business page. Our suggestion is to dedicate the right time and the right effort to the optimization of the cover photo, considering that it is the first multimedia element that will be able to capture the attention of new visitors, encourage them to explore your page, and learn more about your brand. To do this, of course, be sure to follow the guidelines for the Facebook page.

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Choose An Easily Memorable Profile Photo

The cover photo isn’t the only graphic element on the homepage to which you will need to pay close attention. We recommend choosing a profile photo that is easy for visitors to recognize. Typically, this involves applying your company logo or an image of yourself if you are an easily recognized entrepreneur or consultant. Being recognizable is important to be found immediately, especially in the Facebook search form.

Your profile picture is also represented at the top of your Facebook page, and the thumbnail image appears next to all updates on your page. In short, choose it wisely and, above all, be careful not to pick it up with too many details. When you opt for a good profile photo, you will have to remember that Facebook requires that the same image size be 180 pixels by 180 pixels (although the image will be displayed as 160 pixels by 160 pixels on desktop computers).

Optimize The Information Section

While you may already know this, your “About” section is one of the first places people will stop looking when they land on your page. A preview is located on the left side of your page under your profile picture, and people can also navigate to the entire section by clicking on the “About” tab at the top of your page. Make sure you optimize the preview section on the left side of your page with a short but descriptive introduction to give visitors a sense of what your page and company want to constitute.

Posting On Facebook: Better Quality Than Quantity

Two of the most common questions we are asked by all those who are only recently approaching the world of Facebook and exploiting this social channel for their business is: how many times do I have to post on Facebook? And, again, will sending more frequent messages help me reach more people? The answer to this last question is no. At the end of the day, how visible your posts are in your prospects’ News Feeds depends on the quality of your posts rather than quantity, as Facebook also aims to filter out irrelevant and low-quality posts so that only the highest-quality posts can be shown to users right away.

So, our tip is to avoid overwhelming customers with poor-quality content and be selective about what you’re posting. Spend more time creating better Facebook posts and less time making lots of Facebook posts. Remember that it is the job of a good marketer to publish content on social networks that is interesting, fun, practical, and relevant to the public, writing about topics that are meaningful to your readers with an engaging style and posting accompanying images and videos.

Post At The Most Appropriate Times

Another common question is when is the best time to post on Facebook? Of course, as you are probably already guessing, especially if you have read our other insights in this regard, there is no perfect answer that will fit everyone, considering that different companies can find additional days and times that work best for them. Times often depend on what your target is using Facebook for, the area they are in, the content of your post, and your goals. That said, to give you some valuable insights (but don’t take them too seriously!)Some research claims that the best time to post on Facebook is early afternoon or lunchtime on Saturdays and Sundays. 

Also, for the exact searches, engagement rates are 18% higher on Thursdays and Fridays, while weekdays from 13: 00-16: 00 tend to have the highest clickthrough rates. Considering that people tend to be happier on Fridays, for example, posting funny or optimistic content at this juncture to satisfy the public’s mood. Conversely, the worst times to post on Facebook are weekends before 8:00 am and after 8:00 pm. Of course, we encourage you to think of this data as a general guideline and use it to help you find the optimal posting times for your business.

Post Videos

Facebook users love to watch videos. And you should never underestimate this simple truth. So try to create videos for your content on Facebook, keeping in mind some specific characteristics, such as the need to ensure that your videos are as visually engaging as possible, especially in the first few seconds. Also, remember that even though all Facebook videos are automatically played in users’ News Feeds, they are muted until the viewer manually turns on the volume. 

Therefore, the more engaging the video is from a graphic point of view, the more it can attract people to remain attentive to its content. Getting people to spend more time watching your video will help your video rank higher in the News Feed. Finally, remember that Facebook has long since launched Facebook Live. This live video streaming service allows anyone to broadcast live video from their mobile device directly to their Facebook News Feed. Use Facebook Live to your advantage, as Facebook ranks live videos higher than other videos and other types of posts!

Schedule Posts

Posting content for Facebook can take up a lot of your time. On the other hand, you don’t live in front of the social network, and between meetings, phone calls, jobs, and other commitments, it is challenging to post on Facebook at the correct times. Fortunately, both Facebook and third-party apps on Facebook will allow you to schedule your Facebook posts in advance (and, for third-party applications, other social media posts as well). We suggest you take advantage of this by creating a weekly publication scheme. This way, by setting up and feeding a social media content calendar template, you’ll get practical help planning your posts. For example, you can enter all the social media content of the following week on the same day. An excellent saving of time and energy.

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