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What Is Pinterest, And How To Create And Optimize A Profile

Pinterest: What It Is And How It Works

Pinterest is a social media that can be used in its desktop version or by downloading the free application for mobile devices running Android or iOS. It is based on sharing images, videos, infographics, GIFs, memes, and photographs. Born in 2010 from the idea of ​​Evan Sharp, Ben Silbermann, and Paul Sciarra, today, it is among the most viewed sites in the world. According to what was reported by the Digital 2022 Global Overview Report, published by We Are Social in collaboration with Hootsuite, the audience reachable on the platform through advertising is 225.7 million users.

Pinterest comes from the union of two words: ‘ pin,’ pin, and ‘ interest,’ interests, and perfectly describes the platform. It is a highly different social media from the others since the goal is not to share updates with other users but to create virtual message boards within which to ‘pin’ to save all the contents considered most interesting and useful. It aggregates images, videos, photographs, infographics, and diagrams of different types and on various topics and functions as a visual search engine. It has a simple and intuitive interface, and it takes very little time to learn how to use it.

Pinterest shows the user anything they might like based on their interests in the feed. The algorithm considers the content with which it has interacted, the most viewed categories, the keywords typed in the past, the Pins saved and published, the boards created and followed, and the topics indicated by the same profile as enjoyable. In the ‘Today’ tab, a careful selection of content is presented based on the day’s trends. The Pins that have received the most appreciation are shown based on the themes most searched for by users with similar characteristics.

There is a search engine within the platform that allows accounts to find relevant content. Keywords can be entered in the search bar. Based on user activity, Pinterest will show suggested topics to explore new themes or refine the entered keyword and make it more specific. With Pinterest Lens, you can search using photos taken directly from mobile devices. The platform will return all content similar to what was framed with the smartphone or tablet’s camera. Pinterest’s search engine was designed to allow users to find what they need quickly and easily. 

The platform immediately enables you to select between the ‘Explore,’ ‘Buy,’ and ‘Profiles’ tabs when entering keywords. The ‘Explore’ tabs show all the content deemed most relevant. A selection of purchasable Product Pins is presented in ‘Buy.’ In ‘Profiles,’ you can discover exciting brands and creators. You can discover new ideas through the platform, save the contents that inspire the most, make purchases, find interesting creators, and share your thoughts and works.

You can visit users’ message boards or create your own based on the most valuable categories. Pinterest users have grown steadily over time, and companies soon realized its importance and potential. Those looking for inspiration on the platform are often interested in purchasing products or services. Creating bulletin boards and pins to show to users, and linking content with e-commerce or the website, allows you to increase sales significantly.

Pinterest: How To Create And Optimize A Profile

To start using Pinterest, you need to create a profile for free. To do this, you need to enter your e-mail address, create a password, select the gender you identify yourself, the language and country you live in, and indicate the five topics that you find most interesting. Once the wizard is finished, you can explore the platform and create the first boards and pins. In addition to the private profile, Pinterest also offers the possibility of using professional profiles that allow you to achieve business goals, increase sales or increase brand awareness. 

It is advisable to create a company-type account. The differences with the personal one are mainly two. With a company account, it is possible to view all the statistical data helpful in evaluating the success of your strategies. These results are being achieved through advertising campaigns. You can create a professional account that is not linked to other personal accounts. It is advisable to use an e-mail address, preferably that of the company, which has not already been used to access the platform in the past.

After selecting ‘Sign up’ in the Pinterest home, select “Create an account for companies.” Just follow the wizard and enter a description of the task. You can switch from a personal to a professional account. Pins and boards created will not be affected, and you can cancel the action at any time. You need to access the settings, select the item ‘Manage account,’ and under ‘Edit the account,’ carry out the conversion. Alternatively, you can link your account to your professional history to easily switch between them. Up to four company profiles can be linked to each performance.

On Pinterest, companies can find a space to communicate with their customers. The most well-known celebrities, celebrities, and famous people can get a verified account, indicated by a blue check or a red check. After creating your company profile, you need to set it up in the best possible way and optimize it to make a good first impression on users and potential customers. It is advisable to correctly insert the company name, the logo in the profile picture, a representative cover, an accurate description, and the URL to the official website. Within the company profile, you can put up to six items in evidence, shown at the top of the screen. A maximum of 20 Pins can be inserted inside every single element.

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