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How To Make Money With Podcasts

There are many ways to earn thanks to a podcast: find out which method to choose based on the audience and the type of program you have in mind. The podcast is a vocal content, usable at any time, online or offline, very similar to the radio and much more compelling than a simple lecture or a meeting between professionals. Podcasts can be very different from them based on the type of audience, the creators of the program and the topic covered. 

You can go from a format reminiscent of a chat between old friends to a real one-person show or a series of informative episodes that aim to offer specific training to its members. Over the last few years, the podcaster has established itself on the national, and above all world, scene as one of the future professions. To create and manage a successful podcast, you need to have specific technical knowledge, creativity, and confidence in public speaking. 

Podcasters often start a program like this to sponsor their product, learn more about a topic they care about or are passionate about, or have fun. As time goes by, it goes without saying that all professionals try to monetize the effort spent to create the podcast, or at least to amortize the cost of the technical tools and platforms on which the program is hosted. The ways to make money with a podcast are different, and each podcaster can choose the option that best suits his audience and the type of program he offers.

How Podcast Donations Work

Podcasters often allow their community to make a free donation or voluntary offer to support the work related to the program’s production. Among the most famous options that offer this type of service is Patreon, a subscription platform that allows creators to easily receive rewards from their audience. Thanks to Patreon, users can receive money for everything they normally create, whether it’s online comics, videos, songs or, as in this case, podcasts. On Patreon, fans can pay a monthly fee to access all the content or pay for every post published.

The creator, for its part, will receive payment every first of the month if fans have signed up for a monthly subscription or when someone purchases a single piece of content. The cost to use the platform will depend on the earnings and will be split between the commission for using the platform and the fees on the compensation. If you don’t want to tie yourself to a specific service, you can create a PayPal link to collect small monthly donations from all members who are part of your community.

Earn Money By Sponsoring A Podcast

The situation changes when a podcast becomes a famous reference point in its sector and is followed by an engaged and large community. The authors of the program often receive a series of proposals from companies that want to become sponsors. Usually, respecting the agreement stipulated between the two parties, the podcaster will receive monetary compensation for sponsorship of the brand or its products within the program.

You can start asking for sponsorships when the podcast reaches an audience of at least 5,000 or 10,000 per month. This yardstick is subjective and depends on several variables that the company itself can regulate. The choice between the different networks that offer these services are many, from Midroll to Authentic. If companies do not show up, it will be up to the podcaster to find realities related to his program’s topics and propose a partnership or sponsorship during the episodes.

Leverage Affiliate Marketing With Podcasts

Affiliate marketing is a relationship that involves an advertiser exploiting publishers by paying them on a commission basis. In practice, the podcaster earns a commission when the product or service offered by the company with which the agreement has been entered into is purchased. If you want to try this route, the advice is to promote products with which you are familiar or closely related to the podcast’s topics or one of its episodes.

In this way, the public will not perceive it as a sale but more as a tip or a recommendation. You can create an ad hoc commercial or naturally include the product or service while speaking during the podcast. Amazon is one of the most famous affiliate marketing platforms, but you can also join networks like ShareASale, where you can join specific programs.

Offer Paid Premium Content In The Podcast

Premium content can be of any type. Popular podcasters usually offer specific content, including private interviews with interesting characters, behind-the-scenes insights, ad-free RSS feed, an early access RSS feed, or even a Q&A session with hosts. If you choose this way to make money with a podcast, you need to give ample space to imagination and creativity to think of new interesting content for your community. 

Their quality and quantity must justify the request for payment of a fee. To offer content in line with the audience that should buy it, it is advisable to analyze your audience carefully. The aim must be to understand which topics are the most interesting and engaging and for which their fans would be willing to pay.

Also Read: How To Make Popular Videos On YouTube

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